
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Jesse Tree Week 3

We are learning about the events and prophecies of the Jesse tree.  We looked it up in a website and in groups we are understanding and knowing the meaning of the prophecy and its connection to the coming of Jesus.   Getting them from the website helped us understanding the meaning of Advent and Jesus second coming, as we prepare and stay focus on his messages.   

                                                         Jesse Tree Week 3
By:AJ, Faith, Ronan and Joshua C

Sunday: Elijah
Ornament: Stone Altar
Elijah Fights the False Gods
God now calls Elijah to confront Ahab and pagan gods. He is going into enemy territory: Jezebel is killing off the prophets of Israel. In spite of the danger, Elijah is not put off. When he meets with the king, Ahab called Elijah the “troubler of Israel.” Elijah responds by challenging the priests of Baal and Asherah to a contest with the God of Israel.
Image Source:

Monday: Hezekiah
Ornament: An Empty Tent
Ahaz was not faithful to God, engaging in such contemptible practices as sacrificing one of his sons in the Canaanite way (2 Kings 16:1-4). When Ahaz died, he was replaced by his surviving son, Hezekiah. Hezekiah tried to make up for his father's unfaithfulness.
Image Source:

Tuesday: Isaiah
Ornament: Fire Tongs with Hot Coal

Isaiah and the Call to HolinessJesse Tree: Coal

In response, one of the seraphs flies to Isaiah with a live coal taken from the altar and touches his lips with it, declaring that his guilt has departed. Isaiah then hears the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And Isaiah replies, “Here am I; send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).

Image Source:

Wednesday: Jeremiah
Ornament: Tears


Jeremiah teaches that the people cannot pray faithfully if they continue to oppress the immigrants, the orphans, and the widows. They have to stop shedding innocent blood (some practiced human sacrifice), and they must act justly toward one another. “Here you are, trusting in deceptive words to no avail. Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, ‘We are safe!'—only to go on doing all these abominations? Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your sight? You know, I too am watching, says the Lord” (Jeremiah 7:8-11).
Image Source:

Thursday: Habakkuk
Ornament: Stone Watchtower
Habakkuk: Patient Waiting
Acknowledging that he does not understand God's will, Habakkuk stands ready to hear what God has planned. God assures Habakkuk that no matter what seems to be happening on the surface, God's ultimate plan for the Judeans who live in faithfulness will not be delayed. “For there is still a vision for the appointed time; it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay” (Habakkuk 2:3).
Image Source:

Friday: Nehemiah
Ornament: City Wall
Nehemiah Reform and Renewal
Jesse Tree: City Wall
After persuading the king to let him return to Judah, Nehemiah was named governor and given permission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. When he arrived in Jerusalem, Nehemiah rallied the people and rebuilt or restored the walls in fifty-two days. However, he realized that the people were spiritually lax and must also be rebuilt. Ezra read the Law to the people and helped them understand its demands.
Ezra and Nehemiah — Nehemiah 8-9
Image Source:

Saturday: John the Baptist
Ornament: Scallop Shell

John the Baptist
Jesus had immense respect for John the Baptist saying, “among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). John was called by God to be a prophet and prepared himself to follow this call. Dedication to a goal means some reevaluation of priorities. John apparently wanted to be free of any obligations except getting ready to proclaim the coming of the Messiah. He wanted people to know that the time for the Messiah to come was near. This meant that their priorities in life needed to be reconsidered. When we realize that we are being called to a new life in Christ, we have to consider what sacrifices we are going to be called to make to change our lives. While we will not be called to the extremes that John the Baptist was, we also need to recognize that life has to be different if we are going to be faithfulJesse Tree: Shell
Image source:


Monday 7 December 2015

Evaluation for the year’s work

Evaluation for the year’s work—view and look at Term 1, 2, 3, 4 work in Reading, Inquiry (Science.

Social studies, Health and Technology)

What did I learn? In Term 1 we learnt how Plants adapt in places. In term 2 We learnt about ANZAC day and what the ANZAC’s did. In term 3 we learnt about marbles and other types of marbles. In term 4 we learnt about toys in the 1900’s.           

Why were you learning it? We learnt about plants so we can take care of it. We learnt about ANZAC because it is a special day for New Zealand and Australia. We learnt about marbles to have fun. We learnt about toys so that we could make a toy.

How is that learning going to help you?  by reviewing on it, this will help me in the future.

What am I pleased about? completing most of my work and posting them on my blog.

Who helped you in your learning? My teacher (Mrs Cochrane) and my parents.

What do I need help with? My Grammar and neatness.   

What do I want to learn next time? Space, Gravity.

With digital learning- more apps we use to do writing.

What are the interesting things you have learned in digital learning? Sketchpad and powtoon

How is that going to help you in your further learning? By using them for presentations and art.

What are the things I think I need to learn more in digital learning? how to work everything on my chromebook and organising my work properly.

Holy spirit presentation



bing bing the monster
   Eats: He eats fish, carrots and stew.
       Detests: He detests chicken and turkey
          Does: He does not kill animals like other monsters.
       Lives: He lives in a cave.
       D.O.B:  He is born in october 5 1012.
       Bing-Bing likes to jump and play.
                        He is 6 yrs old, his brother is 3 (Mike wazowski) and his dad is 37 yr old.  He Has 1 eye, 2 arms and 2 feet. He is purple and yellow. His favorite colour is purple and yellow. He looks like a monster that would be kind and generous. Bing-Bing sounds like a baby whale. Bing-Bing uses his hands and feet to walk (crawling).
By Joshua C

Screenshot 2015-05-18 at 14.01.27.png(Bing-Bing)         Mike wazowski (Bro)                     Bob (dad)       

Czech Republic Presentation

Mrs Sullings farewell


Me, Joshua and Amanda's Bridge.JPGPut 2 duct tape on the bridge and make it hold for a span of 1 minute.

Cardboard roll
pipe cleaner

How to make the Bridge/Procedure:
  • Measure the Beams
  • Cut the Beams and some straws
  • Stick and connect the beams straw
  • Fold the paper to make a rail
  • Bend the straw.
  • Construct the cables
  • Put on the bridge on the beams

Our Bridge held for around 25 seconds.
However our bridge collapsed, so we fixed our beams. We made our beams shorter to make it more sturdy.

The we will test it again.

Picture for Calender

Advent wreath

yrs 5-8 CTK Camp in Piha Mill Camp